jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Ice Cream Cake Recipe - Cooling Off With Homemade Ice Cream Cake!

When the temperature is well pass 100 degrees, and your kids are sitting around complaining about the heat that is the best time to breakout the ice cream cake recipe. It is the cake recipe that keeps on giving. It will satisfy any sweet tooth while cooling down your body temperature. Your kids will not care which flavor combination you use, they will just be happy to have their cake and ice cream.
Making an ice cream cake sounds complicated, but it can be very easy to follow. The main ingredients are ice cream, cake batter, frosting and the toppings of your choice. You can use any flavor combination you choose, making your combination choices endless. As for utensils, you will need to make sure you have two cake pans, plastic wrap and foil.
Before you get started, you will need to put one of the cake pans in the freezer to chill. Once the cake pan has chilled you will want to line the pan with plastic wrap. This will keep the ice cream from sticking. Spread the frozen cream evenly in the chilled cake pan. You will want to make sure you cover any air holes. Once that is complete, cover the pan with foil and place back in freezer.
Following the instructions on the outside of cake box, mix the cake batter. Place the mixed cake batter in the second cake pan. To keep the cake from sticking, do not forget to oil and flour the second cake pan. After the cake has finished cooking, leave it out to cool.
Once the cake has thoroughly cooled, you will be able to continue with your frozen cream cake recipe. Take the chilled cake pan from the freezer, and place it on a freeze proof platter, then place the cake on top of the ice cream. Once both cakes are aligned, you can start decorating the cake anyway you see fit. About this time, your kids will be begging for a piece. Once everyone has had a slice make sure to place the cake back in the freezer otherwise you will have a mess on your hands.

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dimanche 8 décembre 2013

Using Cake Decorating Flowers

Floral designs and accents are one of the easiest ways to make a cake both striking and attractive. Cake decorating flowers come in handy for all of the most popular types of cake, including Mother's Day cakes, birthday cakes, and most importantly, wedding cakes. Cake decorators can use several different options: edible flowers, artificial flowers, and handmade sugar flowers, which can all help you to achieve the right look. Flowers tend to stand out best on white or other solid-colored cakes, and can help make the decorating job easier for those who don't want to go through the effort of piping edges and frills.

Real flowers are the easiest option for anyone who needs a unique floral cake decoration but doesn't know how to make edible sugar flowers themselves. Fresh flower displays are eye-catching and easy to arrange, but you must be careful to purchase the flowers close enough to the event so that they don't wilt too early. Some of the most popular edible flower choices are roses, violets, and nasturtiums. Be certain to wash the flowers in order to remove possible pesticides, and research the flower to ensure that it's edible and has a pleasant taste. If the short time frame of real flowers is a problem, silk flowers are another option which will give the same general look, but removes the risk of wilting and can be reused for future cakes.

With the right tools and knowledge, anyone can learn how to make beautiful cake decorating flowers themselves. Although there is extra effort and time involved as opposed to purchased flowers, handmade sugar flowers have several advantages. They can be made in a nearly endless variety of colors or shapes. You can use materials you already have on hand, which greatly reduces cost. Also, people often prefer edible sugar flowers for their taste and appearance.

For the easiest flower, you can pipe butter-cream icing right onto the cake using a flower tip. This will result in a softer-looking flower with fewer hard edges and may be best for a whimsical child's birthday cake or baby shower cake. For more impressive-looking flowers which will dry harder and sturdier, royal icing is the choice most decorators use. You can use a petal or leaf tip and pipe individual petals onto parchment paper, making sure to turn your work surface slightly each time so that the petals spiral outward. Many professionals will pipe flowers onto a small metal tool called a flower nail. These types of flowers can be kept frozen for months in order to reduce preparation time ahead of the event. You can also roll gum-paste into a thin layer and either cut the petal shapes yourself or use a specialized cutter, and then assemble the petals with dabs of icing to hold them in place. Yet another option is to press fondant into a floral mold which are sold in many different designs and sizes.

Although using flowers on cakes sounds like an intimidating prospect at first, anyone can achieve beautiful results by purchasing or making their own floral decorations. Use flowers to turn a plain cake into an impressive display.

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Cake Decorating - Flowers

A good baker will tell you that sometimes a cake without decorations is like a pen without ink. Simple, fancy designs will make your bakery products look stunning and appealing to the eyes. Some of the eye-striking icons that you can make use of are the cake decorating flowers.

They may not be easy to make, but this does not give you the license to ignore them. You can come up with simple flowery designs that you are familiar and comfortable with.

Cake decorating flowers come in two categories, those that can be picked straight from the garden and which are edible for that matter, and those that are artificial. All you do is to cut the stems short and then arrange the remaining bit into the desired arrangement. The edible cake decorating flowers are of many types like the daisies, nasturtiums, Johnny-jump-ups, roses, calendulas, violets and lavender. Just be sure not to pick those that may cause allergic reactions in some people.

The edible sugar flowers can be altered in color by use of food colors. This way, they can match to the theme of the occasion. The more colors rhyme, the more appealing the cake will look. You can achieve this effect by use of a professional caterer who will do the mix and match for you.

Back to the artificial decorating flowers. You can have them made from different ingredients, and a combination of much of them will add a sparkle to the designs and the colors. You can use butter cream, royal icing and gum paste. At the end of it, you could have them glazed with egg white and sugar, which are then fried for a few hours.

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Learn How to Make Edible Cake Flowers

If you have ever seen a wedding cake or a really nicely decorated cake at another event you may have noticed the edible flowers on top. These are very appealing decorations that really add a lot to the cakes. For as cool as these flowers are they really are not that difficult to make. Most of these flowers only consist of two or three ingredients and they are pretty basic. Learning how to make edible cake flowers is a step in the right decoration for anyone who wants to make decorative desserts. Making a chocolate flower is one of the easiest types to make and can be achieved with just two ingredients.

Chocolate flowers are made from melted semisweet chocolate and corn syrup. These two ingredients combine together to form what is known as chocolate clay. To make this clay you have to boil a pan of water. When it has reached a boiling point put a bowl filled with the chocolate in it and stir the chocolate until it has melted. Remove the bowl and stir the chocolate until it cools down. Then combine the corn syrup with the semisweet chocolate.

Work the chocolate clay until it softens a bit. Mold a piece of the clay in to a small tootsie roll sized cylinder. The cylinder will be the base of the flower and all of the leaves will be attached to it. After the base has been made it is time to create the leaves. Roll the clay out to around 1/8 of an inch. Cut 1 inch circles out of the clay using a bottle cap or cookie cutter. You will need 9 or 10 petals for each flower so cut the right amount. After you have all of the petals attach them to the base until you have a flower shape. Cut off the rest of the cylinder that is sticking up.

Now it is time to apply your new creations to the cake. Simply place the flowers where you want them and apply gentle pressure. This will stick the flowers to the frosting and you will have a nicely decorated cake. Although flowers are not difficult to make they can be time consuming. Many cakes require large numbers of the flowers and you can plan on working for several hours for some of them. These can be fun decorations to make and they will do a great job at making any cake look great.

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Wedding Cake Flowers Tips

When you are wedding planning, there are so many things to consider. One of these special considerations is that of the wedding cake. The wedding cake is an essential aspect for any wedding. It is one of those things that brides and wedding planners worry about almost as much as obtaining the perfect wedding gown.

In fact, there are an limitless number of cake designs. No matter the personality or sense of style of a bride, there is a wedding cake out there that can satisfy her wants and desires for the type of wedding cake she has always dreamed of for her special day.

One of the most delightfully inspiring types of cakes are those that include wedding cake flowers. When you decide that you want flowers on your wedding cake, there are various things from which you can choose for decorating your wedding cake. For instance, when you choose to include flowers for a wedding cake you can select any color that you can imagine to match your wedding colors and wedding theme.

There are various types of flowers from which you can choose and they come in an assortment of colors. Some you can even have dyed to suit the occasion. Of course, you can either choose to use real wedding flowers that are safe as edible flowers. Do be sure to choose edible flowers that are not contaminated by toxic chemicals. When you are working with real flowers you will need to be especially careful to choose wisely, especially when you include the use of edible wedding cake flowers. It is recommendable that while choosing edible flowers for your wedding cake that you consult with your florist before making your decision.

You may also choose to use artificial flowers or silk flowers for your wedding flowers. These are a great choice when you have allergies or you know that some of your wedding guests have allergies to flowers. They are also a great alternative to real cakes since they are a bit more inexpensive. Silk flowers make some beautiful wedding flower cake toppers and are the type of flowers that make wonderful wedding keepsakes, since they are so long lasting in their beauty.

While considering your wedding flower cake you may also want to consider the use of sugar flowers. They are very popular and have been for many years. They are easy to preserve as wedding keepsakes and they are quite beautiful and delicious.

Of course, as with so many issues surrounding wedding planning, you will need to consider your budget before you select the type of cakes and wedding flower cakes that are most suitable for your wedding day celebrations. As long as you take time to plan what you want you will be content with your selections.

Regardless of the type of flowers you may choose to use with your wedding flowers, you want something that will reflect you and you new groom, your sense of style and fashion statement. Whether you choose to use a tight bunching of flower blooms as a cake topper or a sensational grouping of cascading blooms as your wedding flowers you can create the perfect compliment to your wedding ceremony and reception, your wedding gown and your special day.

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